The Halloween season is upon us and we at Boston Interactive are getting into the spirit by taking a look at some of marketing’s scariest statistics. From mobile browsing and social media to email and web content, we’ve sorted through the tricks and treats of digital marketing to share with you 13 of today’s most chilling stats:



1. Patience is running out. 60% of web users today expect a mobile site to load on their phone in 3 seconds or less.

2. More and more consumers are adapting to multi-screen behavior. 40% of tablet owners said they have looked up information on a television show while watching such at the same time.

3. 70% of mobile searches lead to an action within an hour. Comparatively, 70% of desktop online searches lead to an action within a month.

4. Of the 1.5 billion smartphone users in the world, half are reported to have used their device to make a purchase. That’s a total of 750,000,000 million unique mobile transactions.



5. Think social media is just for kids? Twitter’s fastest growing demographic is the 55-64 age group.

6. YouTube reaches more US adults between 18-34 years old than any cable network. This statistic becomes even more shocking when considering the price of television advertisements versus the cost for promoting content on the social network.

7. A new study reveals that 30% of Americans use Facebook to get their news. 78% of these users say they click on news links to media sites after logging on for unrelated reasons.



8. 246 million emails are sent each day. This amounts to a total of 90 trillion messages being sent every year (and likely to increase even more).

9. Despite 97% of emails being classified as spam, Forrester’s US Interactive Marketing Forecast projects email marketing spending to reach 2.5 Billion by 2016.

10. Are you thinking about your audiences when sending emails? 20% of marketers forget about time zones when planning email campaigns resulting in missed opportunities for maximum engagement and personalization.



11. The phrase ‘a picture speaks a thousand words’ stands true in the online world. Articles with images receive 94% more views than those without.

12. Considering video? Incorporating videos on landing pages is reported to increase conversation rates up to 86%.

13. Get the most out of your content by making sure users can easily and efficiently consume your message. Content published in list format is reported to get 200% more links than normal posts.


Are you spooked by any of these facts? Join us on Facebook and share with us which of these statistics or any others you find most shocking.