Black Friday isn’t for everyone but nonetheless, people have began camping out in front of stores much to far in advance, outlining strategies to make it to the mall as quickly, efficiently, and cheaply as possible. But for those of you like myself, not desperate for deals, sitting on the sidelines for Black Friday while sipping on some serious holiday cheer, mocking Black Friday goers can be something of a past time.

In this interactive age of social media networks and bountiful platforms, the Black Friday spike was just as visible days prior as that queuing line around the corner of Walmart is now. Our friends over at Crimson Hexagon, who digest social media the way BostInno did all things food and drink on Thanksgiving, sent us over some data showing just how much Black Friday blew up the Twittersphere before Black Friday even happened.

Some items to look out for:

  • In the 24-hours before Thanksgiving (a full 48-hours ahead of Black Friday), there were more than 170,000 tweets relevant to Black Friday sent with conversations peaking during the 12 p.m. hour with approximately 14,000 relevant tweets. From November 20 until then, more than 717,000 relevant tweets were sent surrounding the Black Friday conversation.
  • 44% of relevant tweets are expressing positive sentiment toward Black Friday, and of those tweets:
  • 19% are looking for Black Friday deals and sales
  • 25% are excited for Black Friday

But there’s plenty more. Check out these data graphics showing Black Friday statistics days before Black Friday.