Lately, it seems as though everyone wants to be a part of Boston. But who could blame them? With a city as resilient, strong and unique as ours, it’s hard to imagine living anywhere else. Sure, there are obnoxious fist pumping college kids, iced Dunkins (for days) and plenty of angry drivers – but we wouldn’t have it any other way.

The “Hub” (as we call it) is the center of our universe. And last year, in a tragic turn of events, it became the center of attention for the rest of the country as well. One year later, BuzzFeed has paid (yet another) little tribute to our city with their “How Boston Are You” checklist.

The quiz (admittedly) is a bit extreme. Filled with stereotypes and cliches (some very true), you’d have to have to be a diehard Bostonian to pass with flying colors. Good luck, transplants!

A few of the most cliche (read: slightly painful) questions from the quiz include: Have you ever… worn cargo shorts? Been drunk on the T? Broken something during a Red Sox game? Shopped at Jordan’s Furniture (Guilty)?

To find out how “Boston” you really are (or how “Boston” BuzzFeed thinks you are…), take their quiz and let us know in the comments!