In How to Distribute Your Content Marketing, Part I we talked about understanding the major platform types for pushing out your content, and in Part II we are going to talk about how to identify the correct platforms depending on your goals.

The first step in determining what platforms to focus your efforts on is to establish what the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are for the content.

Here are common KPIs for content:

  • Reach/Impression – the total number of distinct individuals who had an opportunity to see your content across any digital media
  • Link Click – the total number of times a user followed the hyperlink to your website
  • Unique Visitor – the number of distinct individuals requesting pages from your website
  • Page View – the total number of times a user visited your particular page
  • Time on Page/Site – the total length of time spent on your page or website
  • Bounce Rate – the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page
  • Comment – the total number of responses submitted regarding your content
  • Social Share – the total number of times your content was shared with other users
  • Download – the total number of times your content was downloaded
  • Video View – the total number of times your content was played
  • Conversion – the total number of times a user responds to your call to action
  • Organic Click – the total number of times a user selects your page after performing a search engine query

While there certainly are other potential KPIs for content marketing, these are the most common, so we will use them as our base. Once you have checked off the most important KPIs for your piece of content, look below to see which distribution platforms will work best for your content.

Note: All platforms could help achieve almost every KPI above, but the chart below indicates the KPIs each platform is most likely to help you reach.