The iPhone has revolutionized how Americans use mobile devices. Its powerful, elegant, and easy to use. So why did Apple restrict its capability? If you’ve seen one iPhone you’ve seen them all. For some reason Apple forgot to allow users to customize their phones. The iPhone is capable of greatness and hackers have made it possible.

Before we get started: Jailbreaking iPhone VOIDS WARRANTY

Jailbreaking iPhone allows users to access system files without restriction and install third-party apps that can’t be found in the App Store. This process installs Cydia which becomes the new “App Store” for jailbroken apps… (Some third-party apps installed via Cydia cost money, just like the “App Store”)

To jailbreak your iPhone you must first know what version of iOS your device is running. This can be found by going to SETTINGS>GENERAL>ABOUT. Use this information to find a step-by-step guide to jailbreak your phone on the web.  (Don’t pay for this process, it can be found free)

Yes, this hack will void your Apple warranty; but you can restore your phone to a pre-jailbroken state by restoring to the default firmware. There are guides on the web that will walk you through this process as well.

Now for the good stuff, what can a jailbroken iPhone do? Well, the possibilities are seemingly endless. The more you research the more it seems to be capable of!

The top five apps for users fresh out of APPLE-JAIL!

–          WinterBoard: this app allows users to customize the look of their iPhone. Users can download different themes via Cydia that change the appearance of everything from the clock and date on the lock screen to different styles of app icons.

–          LockInfo: This app enhances the iPhone’s lock screen by allowing users to view new messages, emails, notifications and missed calls. I don’t know how apple didn’t do this in the first place!

–          Activator: This app allows users to utilize buttons and finger gestures to launch apps on the iPhone. For example holding down the volume down bottom for 5 second launches the camera on my phone.

–          BiteSMS: This messaging app does everything that Apple should have done with their messenger. Probably the best app for jailbroken phone BiteSMS allows users to respond to message from the lockcreen and while in other apps by simple pushing reply. You don’t have to unlock your phone or close a current app, just push reply and a mini keyboard drops down.

–          SBSettings- This app allows users to change setting (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, screen brightness…) directly from the home screen without going through settings.

These five apps should get all you escapees started!