Reunion season is officially upon us! Are you dreading seeing all the people you knew in high school because your life didn’t turn out as planned?

Just lie about it!

Boston Event Solutions is here to help! Not only are we available to host your reunion (or any other event you’d like to plan) but we’re giving you a list of 5 made-up careers and some tips to get away with it:


“Google Employee”


You Google things so it’s pretty much the same, right? Tell your former classmates you work at Google and they’ll wish they were as smart and successful as you are!

Tip: Research the office culture; talk about code labs and all the free food.


“Music Producer”


Unfortunately rock star isn’t believable, so this is the next best career option for the music savvy. When asked about your job, humbly say you’re no Quincy Jones, but Grammy after parties are fun. You’ll instantly be the coolest person at the reunion.

Tip: Tell people you’re currently working with an indie band (that you discovered) on their first album.

 “Competitive Eater”


Ahh, the American Dream. Who wouldn’t want to eat copious amounts of food in one sitting? *Bonus* It’s the perfect excuse for any weight gain over the years.

Tip: Wear a Nathan’s Famous championship belt. 


“Celebrity Event Planner”


Being an event planner is fabulous, but planning celebrity parties is the most fabulous. Everyone will be so jealous that you get paid to hang out with famous people! (And for those of you who need some help planning your event, you know who to call.)

Tip: Get ready to spill some crazy drama about the time you planned Oprah’s dog’s birthday party.


“Inventor of Post-Its”

 (Or Inventor of a Best-Selling App because it’s 2013)


Do you want to tell everyone you’re single and working retail? Neither did Romy and Michele.

Tip: If you do get caught, just break into a choreographed dance routine to Cyndi Lauper’s “Time After Time” and leave on a helicopter owned by the most successful person from your class.