We told you it was coming, and now it’s finally here. Our new site design gives way to a completely new Channel experience–one we think you’re really going to love. Here’s how to make the most of the updates that aim to make Channels more intuitive than ever before.

Signing Up/Logging In

  • If you are not already signed up on BostInno or InTheCapital, you must register in order to access and author posts on your Channel. Click the “Login” or “Sign Up” at the top right and enter your email and password, connect through an already existing social media profiles (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter), or be led through the process via an invitation received from a Channel manager.

Access Your Channel Dashboard

  •  Click on the dropdown under your name to enter your Channel dashboard. Once you’re in, making updates and adding info is just a click away. Note: when logged into your Streetwise account, your Channel will always appear in the dashboard view. If you wish to see how your Channel looks to non-members, simply log out.

Get to Work

You’ll be able to access the different parts of your Channel featured on the left in blue.

  • Articles: This is where you can create content (“New Post”), edit existing content, or publish content that has been populated by an RSS feed. Note: you can decide whether or not to autopublish by selecting “yes” or “no” in the dropdown menu and clicking “Update RSS Settings”. Clicking on the green icon in the right top of each item will let you open it up for editing. Be sure to always assign an individual author to your post. This individual does not need to be a member of your Channel.
  • Careers, Events, and Analytics: Unlimited Career and Event listings, in addition to Analytics, are enhanced Channel features. If you’re interested in upgrading, contact sales@streetwise-media.com.
  • Internships: It is free to post internship listings to our Internship Hub, sponsored by New England Venture Capital Association, and you can choose to create new opportunities or update existing ones by clicking on those prompts in green.
  • Team: Invite new members to join your Channel up top, or click on the green icon to remove members (x), or designate them as the Channel owner (star).

Description, Links, and More

Be sure to customize your Channel by updating your banner up top and your description, images, social media links, and communities on the right side of your Channel dashboard. When in doubt, hover, click, and have at it.

You’ll be used to the new layout before you know it, and we can’t wait to have you continue the conversation.