When you play the Game of Phones, you win…or you die.

– Cersei Lannister

OK, so that’s not actually one of the memorable quotes from the hit TV show and book series Game of Thrones – we took some liberties with the actual quote – nor is the real-life Game of Phones played by sales reps actually that dire. At least, we hope that reps aren’t being sentenced to death for not booking meetings over the phone.

The point is that outbound prospecting on the phones is difficult. Really hard, in fact. This “Game of Phones” is as challenging and heavily contested as the War of the Five Kings, the conflict for the Iron Throne and the right to rule the Kingdom of Westeros. So, how exactly can one win the Game of Phones against prospects and against other similar contenders for the throne?

By communicating value, that’s how.

Here are 8 tips and best practices to share with your outbound reps on how to communicate value on their prospecting calls.

1. Understand what elements the prospect values most. This is known as unearthing the prospect’s pain point. After all, people value solutions to their problems.

2. Have a strong and tight elevator pitch in terms of exactly what your product or service does. Remember, you have precious little time on the phone with cold prospects, so it is imperative that you get to the point quickly.

3. Avoid overly technical language and jargon – communicate your value in an easily understood manner. You don’t want to turn off the prospect by confusing them.

4. Explain how your product or services can be tailored to their specific needs and pain points. This lets them know that you value them as individuals, instead of just cold and faceless prospects.

5. Repeat your value propositions to emphasize them. You want this to stick in the prospect’s head – that you can provide real, actual value for them.

6. Share testimonials and favorable customer reviews – social proof is evermore important in this day and age. This social proof can back up your value props.

7. Differentiate your product substantially from your competitors’. You are a lot less valuable if you are perceived to be a-dime-a-dozen.

8. Only agree to promises that you know you can keep. This means not only in terms of what your product can do, but also in the follow-up steps that you agree to take. You’re only as good as your word.

There you have it, 8 tips that will take your reps’ ability to communicate value on prospecting cold calls to the next level. Once they have mastered these best practices, they should have no problem winning the Game of Phones. Go forth and seize the Iron Throne that you and your reps deserve!