NUMA is excited to be welcoming HubSpot’s Amanda Sibley, programs team lead and content marketing manager with over 3 years of experience with their demand generation marketing for our next general meeting.

If you live in Boston and have an interest in marketing, you’ve probably heard of HubSpot. A darling of both the tech and marketing worlds, HubSpot went public this past August and is known for coining the phrase “inbound marketing” and put content marketing automation on the map.

The idea behind inbound is that traditional advertising is no longer effective – people tune it out, whether by fast-forwarding the DVR, downloading AdBlock for Internet browsing, or simply by growing numb to the hundreds or thousands of advertising messages seen each day by the typical citydweller. Inbound marketing is all about creating content that people want to access and absorb – providing real value rather than unwanted jingles or digital billboards that literally flash in your face.

So, you may ask, “Why should I care about HubSpot and content marketing?” Here are four great reasons to study content marketing further and consider it as a career:

  1. HubSpot practiced what they preached and look at them now! For a long time, HubSpot participated only in inbound marketing tactics, which include a focus on SEO and demonstrating thought leadership with case studies, reports, how-tos, and an ever-expanding vault of engaging content.

  2. To add something else to that running list of resumé boosters to check off your mental to-do list that includes Google Analytics to the AMA’s professional certifications, HubSpot has its own. Students interested in content marketing will be happy to know that by studying hard to pass the test, you can receive Inbound Certification and Design Certification – for free!

  3. You already consume content marketing, like this very blog post, on a regular basis. From sponsored blog posts on to those industry reports from consultancies like Ernst & Young that you might reference for your business papers, content is king and queen in marketing to millennials.

  4. Oh, and they have (highly competitive) co-op positions!

Thank you to the Boston start-up Rising Dreamers for providing us with the opportunity to host HubSpot and we look forward to seeing Northeastern students in 109 Robinson Hall on Wednesday, April 15th at 6:30pm!

NUMA meets weekly in 458 Richards Hall on Wednesdays at 6:30pm for Fall 2015. Join us and check out our website to learn more.