Well folks, today is officially “World Tourism Day,” a holiday which celebrates tourists everywhere. And luckily, we live in one of the best tourist hubs in the country — (scratch that), in the world. So what better way to indulge your fanny-pack-wearing self than to see Boston by Segway?

Let’s face it; since its invention, the Segway has endured a string of bad luck and negative press. According to Business Insider, it is one of the most “overhyped products” that flopped this decade. Ouch. I think it is safe to say the Segway is now only associated with “pesky mall cops” and tourists.

And, if we played a little Segway word association game, I have a feeling it would go something like this…

I say “Segway”, you say “Seriously?”

I say “Segway”, you say “LAME.”

I say “Segway”, you say “Didn’t its inventor, like, die on a Segway?”

None of which are actually true. The Segway has taken a lot of heat in the last few years, despite the fact that it was intended to revolutionize transportation and mobility. Sadly, just as the Segway company owner (not inventor) tragically flopped over a cliff, so too did the Segway flop in the markets.

But after personally experiencing not one – but two – very fun Segway tours in the past year, I can attest that this little doohickey deserves a second chance.

Here are several reasons why you should take a second look at the Segway:

1. The Segway is environmentally friendly

According to Segway’s information site, “The Segway is 11 times more efficient than the average American car and over 3 times more efficient than even the highest-mileage scooters.”

2. Segways are intuitive and incredibly easy to ride

Learning how to ride a Segway only took a few minutes. Many people are under the impression that they are difficult to ride – not true. They are actually a fantastic way to see a city without losing your breath. And if you’re lazy by nature, its pretty darn perfect!

3. Segways present less of a risk to other people

I don’t know about you but I can say with absolute certainty that I have never had a Segway run me down. According to a study conducted by Victoria Transport Policy Institute, the Segway would “have medium impact or risk to others (namely pedestrians), the same which was found true of joggers and runners. As a comparison, bicycles were found to have medium to large impact or risk to others.” So protect your fellow pedestrians and ride a Segway.

 4. Segways are actually safe

If I can survive a Segway, so can you. Ok, so it’s true the owner (not inventor) of the Segway did tragically die on a Segway. But to be fair, that was truly a “freak accident.” Proper precautions must be used, but according to the U.S. Department of Transportation, “the Segway PT met or exceeded all recommendations made by the American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guide to the Development of Bicycle Facilities.”

5. Because it’s fun … duh

Honestly, people that are “too cool” for Segway are the same people that are embarrassed by their parents. And these people suck. Segways accept you for who you truly are – a dork at heart. Just don’t end up like these Segway victims in the video (below).

Find your first Segway experience in Boston at Boston by Segway located in the North End. After you finish your personal transport excursion, check out the Waterfront Bar next door and raise your glass to World Tourism Day — and the biggest flop of the last decade that’s keeping it relevant.

A group of people who wouldn’t agree with reason No. 2: