INBOUND 2013 had me wondering… Is the pharmaceutical industry ready for inbound marketing?

I said absolutely and the inbound perspective is needed now more than ever. I came back with a few takeaways to share with the pharma industry.

INBOUND Takeaway: It’s All About the Connection

Seth Godin was the opening keynote at INBOUND 2013. Personally I can’t help but be motivated and inspired when I hear Seth speak and this time was no different. His main message was that like it or not – we’re all inbound. Gone are the days of it’s all about me or my company, people don’t want to do business with the self-absorbed. It’s all about the connection. Successful companies will be those that make an effort to understand and truly connect with their customers.

We are leaving the industrial economy and entering the connection economy. Seth told us, “building connections is the asset of the future.” I can’t think of a better takeaway for the pharmaceutical industry – connect with your customers.

I see another perfect opportunity for pharma to go inbound. What do you think? How can pharma connect with the health consumer? What pharma companies are already making the connection?