The debate is already throttling up to full speed over the Boston bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics, and a new poll about the subject is the latest piece of data for an unsure public to digest. According to a poll conducted by Sage Systems  that first appeared in the Boston Globe, a majority of Massachusetts residents support hosting the Olympics in 2024, so long as they don’t have to pay for it.

Of course, the “not paying for it” aspect presents a large caveat to the majority support. Here’s how the 1,600 person poll is broken down:

  • 55.3% say that they support a Boston 2024 bid
  • 39.6% oppose
  • 5.1% are unsure

Another question was posed to the 1,600, however, asking if taxpayers’ money should be used to fund the Boston Games:

  • 32.9% support that idea
  • 60.8% oppose public dollars paying for the Olympics
  • 6.3% are unsure

The margin of error for the poll was calculated at 2.25 percent. Sage explained the poll in depth, and stated that they funded the poll themselves.

Clearly, the results of the poll speak to the underlying issue of funding. A public majority is “pro-Olympics” until they have to divert taxpayer money for it. It’s already self-evident that the battle line for Boston hosting an Olympics with the support of the Commonwealth will be over the bid sticking to it’s proposed budget of (maximum) $5 billion, which doesn’t include public infrastructure improvements.

For it’s part, the 2024 partnership along with Mayor Walsh has declared in no uncertain terms that the bid will not use public funding for any Olympic-specific projects. However, given the history of Olympic bids that have ultimately had to draw on public money, the issue will remain a point of contention. Boston 2024 was asked for comment, but did not respond at the time of this writing (we will update with a comment if possible).

No Boston Olympics co-chair Chris Dempsey responded with the following comment:

I think we find the results of that poll very encouraging. What it says is that in a world where taxpayers aren’t at risk, that they’re open to the idea of a Games, but certainly not overwhelmingly supportive of it. And then when the reality is asked of them, which is that the Games will require public taxpayer support, they are significantly opposed.

We’re encouraged by it. We think that it’s a poll that comes out in our favor, when you actually dig into details.

This is another initial step in the bid discussion, with the community meetings still to come. Clearly, the differing narratives from the pro and anti-Olympics crowds will shape the discussion, and the polling reflects that.

Image via Boston 2024