Full disclosure: we love the Salesforce AppExchange. The leading cloud marketplace for business apps has been not only a great source of Salesforce analytics and other tools that have made our work lives easier, but has also helped us promote our own Free Sales Funnel app. The app has proven to be extremely popular, as sales managers look for help in visualizing their stage conversion rates and in coaching their sales reps to improve performances.

The Salesforce AppExchange recently released a demo video to highlight its breadth of available business apps and take users on a tour of how to navigate the online marketplace. We were honored to be featured in the video as well. Fast forward to 0:57 in the video below to check out InsightSquared’s appearance:

With the help and support of Salesforce and the Salesforce AppExchange, we will continue to aim to provide your “entire company with key analytics, tracking everything from sales to overall growth.” Many thanks to Salesforce and the AppExchange for helping make the lives of business executives and sales reps the world over much easier. Check out the AppExchange and find the tools you need today!