Among the innumerable rumors surrounding Apple’s upcoming line of next-generation devices at its annual WWDC on June 10 is talk of an entry-level, low-cost iPhone to go along with the flagship iPhone 5S. This would be the first time the Cupertino-based electronics mammoth released two versions of its handset so techies are salivating at the idea of an affordable one. Even more exciting is that BGR got its hands on a set of leaked photos, indicating that a low-end iPhone may be more than just speculation.

Its important to note that Apple has yet to either confirm or deny the possibility of a low-end iPhone, thought that just Apple being Apple as it rarely gives so much as a glimpse into what it has in store. Specifications are the mere bare-bones of assumptions at this point, thought to include mid-range specs and a lower price point.

Rumors have been running rampant since last April when Tim Cook noted in Apple’s quarterly earnings conference call that the company he helms would be looking into variations of the ever-popular iPhone. Earlier in May, Apple loyalists had their faith rewarded when Morgan Stanley’s Katy Huberty commented that Apple was vamping up production of two handset devices, one of which was supposedly the iPhone 5S and the other an unnamed gadget.

As BGR notes of the photos obtained from rumor site and leak platform Apple.Pro, “The images show a design similar to the old iPhone 3G, with a curved plastic back and a thicker body. The photos also show Apple’s new lightning cable plugged into the device, but no other information can be ascertained from the images.” An older body model would fall in line with notions of a lower-end device.

As for any other information–release date, pricing, consumer availability–we can only further speculate at this point. We won’t have to wait long for Apple to confirm any claims or reject any rumors as its WWDC is slated for June 10. Here, Apple is expected not only to release the entry-level iPhone but also the iPhone 5S and an upgraded version of its mobile operating system, iOS 7, which has drawn plenty of scrutiny in and of itself as design honcho Jony Ive is expected to release an uncharacteristically-for-Apple flat user interface without the skeumorphics championed by the company’s late great founder Steve Jobs.

A low-end iPhone can only be good for business for Apple as it allows the sprawling conglomerate to tap into a market it has purposefully avoided. Jobs had always steered Apple in a direction that not necessarily avoided the larger market where people need more affordable devices, but towards that of one where people are willing to shell out a pretty penny for very much worth it technology. By dipping a toe into the former pool, Apple will make available its beloved handset to a wider range of users who likely wish they could carry an iPhone in their pocket.

What do you all think of a low-end iPhone? Will Apple to making too many concessions to make the iPhone more affordable? Will it still be able to compete with the likes of rival Samsung Galaxy S4 or HTC One?