In today’s economy every industry is experiencing change and disruption, that includes the pharmaceutical industry. Gone are the days of the blockbuster drug with a deliberate and steady sales process. Welcome to a Paradigm Shift in Launching Drugs.

At InCrowd we often hear our customers talk about the need to change and adapt to a new pharmaceutical market. One with increased competition from generics and follow-on molecules, shorter product life cycles and smaller overall markets due to targeted therapies treating a more finite patient population. The question we’re asked… how can InCrowd help them shift from the traditional way of doing business to one that is faster and more agile. Our answer is real time market data from a very select and targeted Crowd of respondents.

The Pharmalot article I mentioned earlier, The Op-Ed: A Paradigm Shift In Launching Drugs, does an excellent job of detailing the changes needed within the pharmaceutical industry – specifically around product launch. The list of ‘keys to successful product launches’ really struck a cord when I read…

“The traditional zero to 12-week “blackout period” post-launch combined with the intense energy launch brands pour into pre-launch objectives explains why some brands lose focus after launch. Savvy, guarded physicians and aggressive competitors can quickly stall launch momentum. For instance, one brand launched into a very competitive environment recognizing it needed to find ways to measure performance immediately post-launch and overcome the traditional blackout period during the first 12 weeks of launch.”

That is exactly how we help our customers. InCrowd enables the pharmaceutical industry to access feedback from targeted physicians immediately after they have been detailed by a sales representative.

The ‘blackout period’ is eliminated. Our customers can react faster and be more agile in their business.

A recent InCrowd Use Case mirrored the key to success highlighted in the article.

How are you managing the post launch blackout period? Are you able to access immediate market information and adjust your launch plan as needed?

If you’d like to see other InCrowd Use Cases and learn more about how we can help, please drop us note.