On Monday October 29, two days before Halloween, Google will be holding a press event in New York City. While the invitation has proved to be vague stating “The playground is open. Join us for an Android event,” photo leaks from the twitter account @evleaks suggest that there’s more in store than just a press opportunity. The leaked photo is of the LG Nexus 4 (E960) smartphone which may make its debut at the event.

Previous rumors have suggested that Google was teaming up with Korean-based electronics company LG in order to produce a smartphone. In the past, Google has collaborated with the likes of Asus for its Nexus 7 tablet, and LG rivals HTC and Samsung to create the Nexus One and Galaxy Nexus respectively. Prior to the Galaxy Nexus, Google and Samsung also manufactured the Nexus S.

The LG Nexus 4 is poised to be the fastest, strongest, and most efficient smartphone by Google. Along with leaked photos by evleaks were specs highlighting the device’s dexterity. It looks to sport a 4.7 inch 1280 x 768 HD touchscreen display and will run on a 1.5GHz quad-core processor from Snapdragon. Available will be 2GB of memory and either 8GB or 16GB of internal storage.The Nexus 4 will also boast two cameras, one rear-facing camera and a front-facing 1.3 megapixel camera. It will feature Android’s most up-to-date operating system, the 4.1 Jelly Bean OS.

Here’s the Tweet from @evleaks:


Not only will the device be fast and powerful, but it will be practical in terms of size as well. It looks to be 9.1mm thick and weigh approximately 139 grams (4.9 ounces).

As for what else will take stage at the event, nobody’s really sure. Website IntoMobile suggests that “Google is apparently opening up the Nexus brand to multiple manufacturers this year for the The Samsung Galaxy Nexus II is a possibility as well.”

Also questionable is when the smartphone will hit the retail shelves and how much it will cost. Earlier in the month, my colleague Greg Gomer was able to track down other leaked photos and determine that a late October announcement likely means a mid-November release.

It’ll be interesting to see how this phone stacks up to competitors. Recently, the internet has been flooded with smartphone announcements and other tech releases to be ready for the upcoming holiday season. Motorola (Mobility owned by Google) announced the revamped Razr series with the Razr HD and Razr Maxx HD, Samsung announced its Galaxy S III Mini, and HTC announced its One X+ all within days of each other. Right after the LG Nexus is assumed to be released, Apple will be unveiling its much anticipated iPad Mini across the country in San Jose, California.

Still fresh in the minds of mobile users across the world is the iPhone 5. Arguably the most popular smartphone in the world (evidenced by the fact that iPhone 5 search crashed temporarily our site), the iPhone 5 has less RAM and more storage than Google’s latest gadget. It’s biggest pitfalls were in its mapping feature and lack of NFC. However, side-by-side these two phones look to be two of the most powerful on the market. The Nexus 4, because of its  processor and amount of RAM, could become the most sought after smartphone on the market.

But what do you all think? Does the LG Nexus 4 stand a chance in a cutthroat smartphone market? Can it become more popular than the iPhone 5? Will it blow the Samsung Galaxy line out of the water? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.