President Obama will be speaking about the crisis in Egypt today from his vacation spot in Martha’s Vineyard off the coast of Cape Code, Massachusetts. President Obama will be outlining his plans and intentions for any United States involvement in the Egyptian clashes that have left upwards of 525 dead. You can listen to the President via live audio below

Listen live to President Obama’s statements statements on Egypt Here:

Since the ouster of former President Mohamed Mursi, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood have been butting heads with the army and have since left “525 people killed and more than 3,500 injured in fighting in Cairo, Alexandria and numerous towns and cities around the mostly Muslim nation of 84 million” according to Reuters.

Further, “the army-installed government has since declared a month-long state of emergency and imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew on the capital and 10 other provinces.”

In a move to help plant the seeds for peace, President Francois Hollande of France has summoned the Egyptian ambassador to demand an immediate halt to the crackdown.

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan even went as far as to call on the likes of the United States to step in and end what he’s describing as a massacre. He said in a statement to the United Nations Security countil, “I am calling on Western countries. You remained silent in Gaza, you remained silent in Syria … You are still silent on Egypt. So how come you talk about democracy, freedom, global values and human rights?”

More pro-Morsi supporters are expected to march on the Egyptian capital of Cairo and other major metropolitan regions like Alexandria despite the severity of the authorities and quickly rising death toll.

Be sure to tune in to BostInno for the latest information regarding President Obama’s statements and proposed actions by the United States.