The George Zimmerman trial, live streaming online below, will come to a close today as the defense will make its closing arguments after weeks of testimony and innumerable pieces of evidence. The prosecution made its final arguments yesterday, citing Zimmerman’s claim of self-defense in the killing of 17-year old Trayvon Martin as  embellished and full of lies.

Watch the closing arguments in the Zimmerman trial live stream below:

The prosecution had its turn to try and sway the jury into picturing Zimmerman as an “angry vigilante who ‘tracked’ Martin through a gated community and provoked the confrontation that claimed the teenager’s life,” according to Fox News. Zimmerman of course has plead not guilty to second-degree murder, claiming self defense after Martin initiated attack on the volunteer night watchman.

In order to peg Zimmerman with the second-degree murder charge, the prosecution must prove that the defendant killed Martin with ill will, using his profane 911 calls as evidence of such. They also alleged that Zimmerman was nothing more than a “wanna be” cop racially profiling Martin and following him throughout the community simply because he was a suspicious looking African-American teen.

The defense will speak to the jury this morning saying that it was Martin who attacked Zimmerman while the 29-year old was patrolling the area in neighborly fashion.

If convicted, Zimmerman could face life in prison. Should the jury opt for a manslaughter charge, Zimmerman could be dealt a maximum 30-year sentence. However, Zimmerman’s lead attorney Mark O’Mara thinks a manslaughter charge is inapplicable in this case, telling reporters the jury should decide all-or-nothing; give him life in prison or let him off.

“What George did was an intentional act that he knew he was pulling the trigger, the reason why he did it was self-defense and that doesn’t suggest the manslaughter charge would be appropriate,” O’Mara said.

The jury is expected to deliberate on the case this afternoon after the defense makes their closing arguments today.