Just one day after five passengers who touched down at Logan Airport were taken to the hospital after exhibiting flu-like symptoms not unlike those of the Ebola virus, Governor Deval Patrick will be making a statement about the situation on Tuesday morning at 9 a.m.

Speaking from Logan, Governor Patrick will “discuss Ebola with public health and airport officials” before briefing the media, according to NECN. The governor’s remarks come after not just the Emirates flight 237 incident on Monday, in which three passengers were taken to Mass General Hospital and the remaining two to Boston Medical Center, but also after a patient transferred from Braintree to a Beth Israel Hospital in Boston suffering from headaches and muscle aches.

After suspecting the Beth Israel patient’s chances of having Ebola were optimistically low, hospital officials released a statement Monday night confirming their suspicions.

“Our evaluation is now complete and we have determined with certainty the patient does not have Ebola Virus Disease,” noted Beth Israel. “The patient remains in good condition.”

Officials at Logan Airport also confirmed that the five patients, who were traveling from Tokyo via Dubai without spending any time in West Africa where Ebola is running rampant, are not carrying the virus.

“The patients who arrived on United Emirates Flight #237 at Logan International Airport do not meet the criteria for any infections of public health concern,  including Ebola, MERS, or meningococcal infection,” said Logan officials.

Added NECN, “all possible cases of the deadly virus in Boston turned out to be other illnesses including malaria, typhoid fever and other viruses typical of West Africa.”