Boston is recognized as a national leader in efficiency and renewable energy. Over the years, the City of Boston has worked hard to become a cleaner and greener city through plans, laws, activism and action. Thanks to projects like Greenovate Boston and the Renew Boston initiative, the results of efforts by Governor Patrick and Mayor Menino, the City of Boston has come a long way in reducing greenhouse gases and becoming a green community. Boston is continuously recognized for being one of the greenest cities in the U.S.; this year alone Mother Nature Network named it the 3rd greenest city, Forbes recently named Boston as a top city for green jobs, IEEE ranked Boston the most energy-efficient city in the United States. 


Boston’s Climate Plan calls for the City to have a climate action plan that is updated every three years and serves as Boston’s blueprint for reaching its goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 25% by 2020 and 80% by 2050. In addition, the plan insures that the city is prepared for the impacts of climate change. It also focuses on community engagement, social equity, and green jobs.


As we said good-bye to our Mayor of twenty years and a true leader in the City’s green initiatives, we welcome his successor, Mayor Marty Walsh. Mayor Walsh is a firm believer in innovation and taking actions to mitigate climate change. During his campaign, Walsh stated:


“We need to do our part to mitigate the effects of climate change and to increase our ability to confront and survive those changes, such as rising sea levels. A sustainable model for Boston must include clean energy technology and more efficient energy use. We need creative approaches to improve Boston’s air quality and save natural resources.”


Walsh’s plan includes vows to expand renewable energy opportunities in further utilize wind, hydro and solar energy. “Climate change preparedness is a high-priority for me and my administration,” Mayor Walsh has emphasized.


Earlier this year, Mayor Walsh proved that he took his climate plan seriously when he joined Mayors from nine other U.S. cities pledging to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions from their City’s buildings. Furthermore, as part of Greenovate Boston, Mayor Walsh joined Governor Patrick in January for the announcement of more than $50 million to help local communities in Massachusetts prepare for the impacts of climate change.


As Boston continues to lead the way in innovative approaches to increased energy efficiency and alternative energy, we have been able to see this transformation first hand. With the recent boom in new luxury buildings in neighborhoods like Downtown Crossing and Fort Point, as well as the recent influx of pharmaceutical companies and large corporations establishing headquarters in the Seaport and Kendall Square, smarter and more efficient infrastructure is being constructed all around.


In order to achieve the ambitious citywide goals for saving energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and creating green jobs, we still have a ways to go but a lot of progress has been made. Mayor Walsh has developed an updated and comprehensive plan that promises significant steps in the right direction. Under the new leadership of Mayor Walsh, Boston is sure to be a leader for a greener city – this means more jobs, less pollution and a smarter infrastructure for current and future Bostonians. We are looking forward to being a part of a City and an administration with such an innovative outlook.