Setting up and tracking website analytics can be overwhelming for anyone — even us digital natives. There are tons of graphs, percentages, and other seemingly complicated pieces of information to process in trying to understand how well your website is doing. Even Google, known for providing very simple products, has Google Analytics, which is just as confusing as many other analytics programs out there.

It’s almost as though analytics users are supposed to be impressed by a plethora extraneous numbers we can’t make sense of — like we’re supposed to think, “This is confusing… Perfect!” Obviously, the key should actually be to find the right things to watch and make sure you’re tracking them.

David Jenkins, co-founder of Allston-based Conversion Associates, saw the complexity in the space and met the problem with a powerful but abbreviated solution to analytics: Lytiks.

As Jenkins told me, “Lots of companies have analytics, but it is rare that they actually use them.” What Lytiks was able to create is a much more simplified analytics service that maintains the quality other services supply. They have done this by providing the same information that other programs supply while boiling the number of ways it is displayed down to a few easy-to-understand metrics.

Not only does Lytiks make analytics easier to make sense of, it’s also to really easy install on your site. This is invaluable for people who are unfamiliar with HTML code, the language websites are created in. With Lytiks, site owners and operators who otherwise would not know how to set up tracking on their site are empowered. According to Jenkins, their goal is to “make analytics more intuitive.”

Once a site operator has a Lytiks account, setting up conversion (action or engagement) tracking is simple. Select the site to view a list of links and you simply choose the one you want to track, and it will be set up. This eliminates all need to know any type of html coding, making it a more accessible tool for small companies who don’t have anyone with html experience.

Plus, Lytiks got even easier to use yesterday. According to Jenkins, comma-separated value (CSV) reports can now be exported from Lytiks. While you can easily check all your analytics on the site, being able to pull reports off the site to store past metrics is a valuable service.

The other unique and useful service Lytiks offers is conversion tracking for phone numbers. They do this by allowing you to purchase unique phone numbers right on their site. Once you have chosen a local or 800 number, all calls made to it get forwarded to the number of your choosing. Having multiple unique numbers that all go to one place allows you to see how often people call your business from certain pages on your website.

Conversion Associates was started in 2005 as a digital analytics company doing mostly consulting. Today, they’re providing things like Lytiks to help website owners and operators do more on their own, too.

If you have used Lytiks, what do you think of it? And if not, what analytics service do you use and why? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section.