The U.S. Olympic team can be hard to keep track. There are so many success stories about so many athletes from so many different corners of the country that often times it seems like the American constituency is endless. But fret not, my patriotic friend. Here’s a map to quell all of your troubles.

The map falls short in identifying individual athletes per state, but it does note which of the 50 produces the most. Massachusetts has a pretty solid showing, putting up 10 world-class competitors, which makes it tied for eighth with Illinois.

Not surprisingly, most Winter Olympians call snowy destinations home, like the 20 who hail from California (think the Northern and Eastern part), the 19 from Minnesota and Colorado, the 18 from New York, the 15 from Utah and Wisconsin, the 13 from Michigan and Vermont, and the 10 superstars from the Bay State.

Unfortunately the Deep South was unable to contribute, failing to take a page out of the Cool Runnings playbook and perhaps letting their climate get the best of them. Sorry Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Kentucky. But, I mean, Arizona, Texas, Florida and Georgia were able to contribute multiple studs. Even North and South Carolina donated an athlete apiece.

As for what’s going on in South Dakoka and mountainous West Virginia and Maryland, as well as Delaware, I can’t account for.

Either way, congratulations to the U.S. Olympic team and good luck in bringing home the gold. USA, USA, USA!

Data was pulled from the U.S. Olympic Team via the Washington Post.