After making waves just prior to his swearing in ceremony by tapping Daniel Arrigg Koh as his new Chief of Staff, Mayor-elect Marty Walsh has named Felix Arroyo as Chief of Health & Human Services and will appoint Hardin L.K. Coleman, Ph.D., and Michael Loconto to the Boston School Committee.

Walsh is slated to be sworn in on Monday, January 6, at 10:00 a.m. sharp on the campus of his alma mater, Boston College.

Though his appointment of Koh may come as a surprise to many Bostonians, his work with the previous Menino administration and his ability to connect with the new generation personified by Walsh makes him a logical choice.

Arroyo, however, will fill his new role accompanied by little surprise to those who have followed Walsh’s campaign from the beginning. Arroyo, a staunch supporter of Walsh’s campaign after his own failed mayoral bid, was thought to be on the top of the list for cabinet positions alongside John Barros and Charlotte Golar Richie, two fellow early mayoral candidates who lost to Walsh and John Connolly in the primaries last fall. All three held co-chair positions on Walsh’s inauguration team and transition committee

It’s unclear at this point what roles Barros and Golar Richie will play moving forward.

“Felix brings a wealth of knowledge and City of Boston experience to my Administration,” noted the Mayor-Elect in a statement. “Felix knows how to bring people together and work collaboratively. He values and understands the importance of directly addressing the needs of Boston’s most vulnerable residents, and he will have a huge impact on our City in this role.”

According to Walsh’s press secretary, Arroyo, a lifelong Bostonian with City Council and political organization experience, “has worked with the Mayor-Elect to build a large, inclusive team representing a cross section of Boston community and civic leaders.” Interestingly, Arroyo like Walsh boasts a union background having served as political director at the Service Employees International Union Local 615.

As for the soon-to-be school committee members Dr. Coleman and Loconto, the duo together boast some 50 years of applicable education experience much needed to aptly operate in their positions. Dr. Coleman has served in positions spanning the entire length of the educational system, having held positions at elementary, middle, and high school levels, as well as that of school counselor at the middle and high school levels.

Loconto, with a child currently enrolled in the Boston Public Schools system, has been involved with West Roxbury Main Streets program where he incorporated and kickstarted a number of youth-oriented organizations.

Stay tuned to BostInno for live coverage from Walsh’s swearing in ceremony Monday, January 6, and forthcoming personnel announcements to fill other seats in Walsh’s cabinet.