The MBTA threw in the towel this morning…

So let’s pump the breaks a tad on the 2024 Olympics, shall we? It’s trouble enough as it is getting Bostonians to work. Figure that out, first; Got to walk before you can run.

There were Green, Red, and Orange Line delays this morning. But you probably already knew that. Even if you weren’t a stranded rider, news of MBTA debacle spread fast, as usual.

If you thought MBTA employees were emotionless specters – reporting only the need-to-knows – you were probably surprised by their apologetic tweet this morning (above).

Loosely translated it reads: “Screw it, you guys. We get it: Our service is crap. Think you’ve got it bad? There are 734 direct messages staring us in the face, right now, reminding us how much we suck. So, here you go: Click this link. New Trains are coming.”

If it wasn’t for social media screenshots and embed codes, the MBTA might have pulled a Severus Snape on the entire city, – concealing its show of love for the very passengers who love to hate the agency – with tweets getting buried in an the ever-expanding Twitter timeline.

But they couldn’t conceal it. The proof has been documented.

Almost makes you want to hug an MBTA employee – reminding him or her in the process: “It’s not your fault.”

But then you click the link the MBTA shared…

Sure, Governor Deval Patrick’s announcement that $1.3 billion will help replace the 44-year old Red Line cars and 32-year old Orange Line cars is music to the ears of most (Fine, all) Bostonians. But the lede is buried:

“Orange Line car delivery is scheduled to begin in winter 2018-19 and Red Line car delivery in fall 2019.”

Quick math tell us the project will be completed six years from now. Or, after roughly 17,520 MBTA Alerts! tweets.

That number was found using this simple formula: 365 (days per year) X 8 (MBTA Alerts! tweets per day) X 6 (years until completion) 

Knowing this, the MBTA’s tweet this morning reads more like a backhanded compliment than exhausted apology. Sort of like a rider telling an MBTA employee: “Thanks for getting everyone around the city, until something better comes along. That’s so sweet.”

Clearly, neither party is happy at the moment. If public transportation is such a disaster,  how the hell would Boston ever be able to handle the 2024 Olympics? Let’s be real: That’s probably not a realistic possibility. Governor Patrick, however, did sign a bill to investigate the feasibility of the Olympics being held in the City.

Sorry, Governor Patrick, but if investigators have access to the internet and search #MBTA on Twitter, one look could rule Boston out.

State Senator Bob Hedlund is spearheading the “No 2024 Boston Olympics” campaign, calling it a “Pipe-Dream,” referencing the not-so-great execution of large-scale projects like the Big Dig.

Maybe part of the impetus to bring new Red Line and Orange Line cars to Boston was a 2024 Olympic bid?

Who knows, right?

Should Boston be crowned the 2024 host-city, and the MBTA is still a nightmare, expect #MBTA to be trending worldwide once these tweets roll in:

#MBTA Green Line service on the B Line out of service due to power outage prior to start of #100yarddash final. Buses being sent.  Expect severe delays.” ~ @MBTA

“At #100yarddash final. Smallest reported crowd in history!? Where is everyone? #mbta” ~ @haydenhbird

Soon followed by:

“You know what? We tried, you guys. #Boston #Olympics #FML” ~ @MBTA