The Green Line Extension Project is poised to change residential development and transportation habits for Cambridge, Somerville and Medford residents. Intended to increase the reach of the Green Line further past Lechmere into these cities, the project is still in its early stages with plenty left to do. A new computer simulation hints at how much change entire project is expected to bring.

The below video was taken “at the neighborhood meeting on retaining walls and sound barriers on Monday, February 24, at St. Clement School in Medford,” according to the YouTube account Ken Krause. During the meeting GLX team members presented the video showing the passage of a Green Line train through Lechmere and subsequently into the proposed stations throughout Somerville and Medford.

Tuesday night the MBTA will host a GLX public outreach meetingto be held at the Holiday Inn, 30 Washington St., inside the Assembly Square Ball Room, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Here, GLX project team members will outline much of what’s put on display in the video above:

the construction of 6 new stations, a new maintenance vehicle facility, additional viaduct and bridge construction, drainage and utility work, signal and communication upgrades.

Once completed, Green Line service will extend from a relocated Lechmere Station to Union Square in Somerville and on to College Avenue in Medford.