BostInnovation's Staff Picks for Best Tech News of the Week
BostInnovation's Staff Picks for Best Tech News of the Week

As the weeks roll on, New England tech news continues to proliferate.

In an effort to catch you up on the news we didn’t cover ourselves, here’s a list of our pics for the most interesting and important local stories in the past week.


Rodney Brown of Mass High Tech covered iRobot’s co-founder Helen Greiner and her company, CyPhy Works Inc. which will be tackling inspection of civil infrastructure with unmanned robots!

Rodney Brown also got the attention of the  gamers by covering Cambridge’s Gamer DNA purchase by New York-based Crispy Gamer for Mass High Tech.

Galen Moore of Mass High Tech bore the bad news: A recent survey showed about 1 in 4 VCs think 2010 is going to be worse than ’09. Bummer.

Mass High Tech reported that Raytheon BBN plans to make their Cambridge headquarters the site of the “largest network research center in the U.S.”


Wade Roush of Xconomy reported that online advertising is shifting, giving power to the buyers with DataXu’s powerful analytic and optimization tools.

Scott Kirsner reported on his blog that Terrafugia is pressing forward despite critics cries of impracticality and implausibility. They’re continuing production plans for a flying car. (The time to start including the 20 when referring to the year has arrived! Hello, 2010!)


Wade Roush from Xconomy broke some bad news when he informed us that Blank Label CEO, Fan Bi is scheduled to head back to Australia January 4th when his Babson study abroad program ends. His entrepreneurial prowess and sociable personality will certainly be missed.

Xconomy’s Greg Huang told how the Boulder, Colo., based TechStars killed it in Boston, and are bringing the show to Seattle next fall.


Wade Roush from Xconomy showed that magazines are finding a renewed hope of outlasting newspapers by focusing efforts on digital mediums.

Xconomy’s Robert Buderi spread the word that Brighton-developed Oneforty is racking up investor support to develop their Twitter app store.

Think we missed something? Let the world know by commenting your interests!