Tonight at the 2011 MassChallenge Awards ceremony, 17 companies were granted a piece of the $1 million in prize money. Three teams took home $100k prizes and 14 took home $50k prizes. The event was held at the Boston Convention Center and included inspiring talks from Mayor Menino, Bert Jacobs (founder of Life is Good), Deval Patrick and Scott Case from Startup America.

“Massachusetts is home to an amazing array of startups and our entrepreneurial ecosystem is one of the  strongest in the country,” said Governor Deval Patrick. “MassChallenge is a highly successful program  and the Commonwealth is proud to be a founding supporter.

This year’s MassChallenge competition kicked off on March 7 and attracted 733 applications from 24 countries and 34 U.S. states. The 125 highest-impact, highest-potential startups were then invited to participate in a 3-month accelerator program providing mentoring and access to free resources including office space, legal support and targeted introductions to customers and funding sources. From their 26 finalists were chosen.

“Over our history, Boston has been home to many revolutionary ideas,” said Boston Mayor Thomas M.  Menino. “We continue a proud tradition of innovation on the thriving Boston Waterfront, where MassChallenge plays an integral role. Together, we’re showing that the Innovation District is the best  place for startups to become upstarts.

Congratulations to the 2011 MassChallenge Winners!

$100k Diamond Prize Winners

  • Alkeus Pharmaceuticals, Inc Alkeus is a biotechnology company developing novel treatments for blindnes
  • Sanergy – Sanergy makes it profitable to provide sanitation services in urban
  • Tinfoil Security – Automated web security for small businesses like us who are ‘too busy shipping’ to worry about security.

$50k Gold Prize Winners

  • Artaic – Artaic creates custom tile mosaics using robotic manufacturing and computer aided design systems.
  • ArtVenue – changes the game for artists by making it simple to book shows in local businesses.
  • Casa Couture, Inc. – Casa Couture launches first maternity shoe on the market with patented technology designed just for pregnancy.
  • Cocomama Foods – Cocomama Foods is a nutrition-based, gluten-free food brand
  • Drync“Groupon for Wine”
  • EverTrue – EverTrue connects donor databases with the social graph to offer better prospect intelligence
  • Her Campus Media – Her Campus-online mag for college women w natl + local content + innovative marketing capabilities
  • Invup – Invup promotes, quantifies and rewards social involvement with the power of game dynamics and social media.
  • lynx sportswear – No bouncing breasts! Patent-pending Lynx Sports Bra=unprecedented comfort, control for large-breasted women.
  • Resolute Marine Energy – Our objective is to commercialize a wave energy driven desalination system by 2013 and achieve ROI>10 by 2015
  • SmarterShade (Lono LLC) – Imagine – being able to electronically darken a window with the flip of a switch. This is SmarterShade.
  • SocMetrics – SocMetrics helps companies engage key influencers in their niche to build word of mouth and grow sales
  • Therapeutic Systems – Vayu is a medical device that helps people with autism break down barriers and become more engaged in life.
  • UberSense – UberSense enables athletes & coaches improve using video analysis and social collaboration on mobile/web apps.

The startups were judged on impact, feasibility, and execution. There are no strings attached to the  funding or competition – MassChallenge is a nonprofit and does not take equity from winners or place  any restrictions on entrants.

In order for MassChallenge to give away the money The State of Massachusetts  provided grants to MassChallenge in 2011 via 3 quasi-governmental agencies:

  • Massachusetts Life Sciences Center
  • Massachusetts Technology Collaborative
  • Massachusetts Clean Energy Center

Additionally, MassChallenge raised over $1.5 million from these organizations:

  • The Blackstone Charitable Foundation
  • The Deshpande Foundation
  • Johnson and Johnson’s Corporate Office of Science and Technology
  • Josh Boger
  • The Microsoft New England Research and Development Center
  • And 12 other major sponsors

Congratulations to the winners! We are looking forward to watching your companies grow.