Social media bubble, what?

His name is Lou Kerner, he owns shares in Facebook, is an investor in Klout, has 21,000 Twitter followers, and he is describing himself as the first social media analyst on Wall Street.

Cited saying, “I’m building the Lou Kerner brand” and that the higher one’s social influence “the better your life is,” it looks like Bloomberg may even be giving him his own show.

Kerner has been quoted as an expert on social media company valuations, being cited over 120 times in well known publications like the New York Times and Business Insider.

And of course he has something to say about Charlie Sheen. From the article: “After the actor Charlie Sheen took to Twitter two weeks ago, garnering more than 3 million Twitter followers in 72 hours, Kerner drew a parallel between Sheen and corporations in one of his reports, saying Sheen was proof that corporations could also quickly build an engaged audience on the platform.”

Give this great PE HUB profile piece a read to learn more about Kerner, a name it seems we’ll be hearing a lot more in the coming months.