MeYouHealth, the Boston-based company at the intersection of healthcare and game mechanics, knows how critical support from friends and family is in staying healthy. The company offers its community a healthy Daily Challenge to complete under the mantra that small steps toward a better well-being has the power to create lasting change. Aligned with this, the company just released a New Years app to help you set and keep your 2011 resolutions.

The app, called “My Resolution 2011”, allows you to enter your New Year’s resolution and then select Facebook friends who you’d like support from in helping you actually keep it. Check out the screen shot below for how it appears on Facebook when you tap your friends.

What makes this app different than others centers on its Facebook integration — the site that just passed Yahoo! in now boasting being the 3rd largest website online. Time on Facebook represents about 25 percent of time spent online (11 hours a week for the average user), and MeYouHealth’s resolution app takes advantage of this. Alicia Benjamin, the company’s social media lead, explains:

“There are other apps out there, like 42 Goals and, that are more about goal-setting and checking in with your progress. Our My Resolution 2011 app is more about making one within the context of Facebook, pushing it out to your wall, and asking for support from friends who you know will take action.”

Head of Online Marketing, Christine Fiske, explained that while MeYouHealth is capitalizing on resolution season as its aligned with their core goals and values, the company is hoping to use the My Resolution 2011 app as an acquisition tool for the Daily Challenge. Daily Challenge launched in September, and already has over 15,000 regular users engaging with it.

As a mentor once told me, if you can’t keep your own word, promise it to someone else you care about because you really won’t want to let them down. The My Resolution 2011 app offers this, subtly tapping select friends on an individual basis instead of a mass blast from your Facebook wall.

What’s your New Years resolution? Try out My Resolution 2011 and let us know in the comments!