In a historic piece of government legislation, the Minnesota senate passed a marriage equality bill that all but ensures the legalization of same-sex marriage in the state. The state House of Representatives passed the bill only last Thursday and it is now up to Governor Mark Dayton to scribble his John Hancock on the measure to officially enact the law, something that he has already vowed to do. Minnesota will become the 12th state along with the District of Columbia to legalize same-sex marriages. Massachusetts was the first sate to legalize same-sex marriages back in 2003.

The measure passed with a slim though respectable 37-30 margin and the law will take effect on August 1 once signed by the governor. August 1 is also the same date that Rhode Island’s similar ruling will come into fruition.

Senator Scott Dibble, the only gay person in the chamber, vocalized his unwavering support saying ” Today, we have the power, the awesome, humbling power, to make dreams come true. We will be removing barriers to the full joy life has to offer.”

Minnesota has been streamlining the measure, passing the house with relative ease after absolutely rejecting a state constitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriages completely.

In an unusual show of bipartisan collaboration, Republican Senator Branden Petersen, who worked with Senator Dibble on the legislation noted how his effort might not be good for his political party, but is of immense benefit to the citizens of our nation.

“I stand here, quite honestly, more uncertain of my future in this place than I ever have, but when I walk out of this chamber today … I will be on the side of liberty.”

Congresswoman Karen Clark, who along with Senator Dibble is openly gay though a member of the House, said last week when it passed the house, “My family knew firsthand that same sex couples pay our taxes, we vote, we serve in the military, we take care of our kids and our elders and we run businesses in Minnesota.”

Congratulations to Minnesota as this is certainly a milestone achievement and will bring happiness and faith to the citizens of both Minnesota and the United States as a whole, as well as governments on both the state and federal level.