Let’s face it. We all need a break sometimes, and our always-on lives can make that difficult. But there is a National Unplug Day movement you can peg yourself to – and it starts tonight.

Developed by the non-profit organization Reboot, the National Day of Unplugging is guided by the Sabbath Manifesto. The Sabbath Manifesto is a creative project designed to slow down lives in an increasingly hectic world. Starting tonight at Sundown through Sundown on Saturday, the Sabbath Manifesto’s encourages you to take a tech break.

Do you plan to participate in this year’s National Day of Unplugging? If you do take the Unplug Challenge, make sure you share you let the world know… on Facebook and Twitter of course!

From the Sabbath Manifesto’s website:

“Way back when, God said, “On the seventh day thou shalt rest.” The meaning behind it was simple: Take a break. Call a timeout. Find some balance. Recharge.

Somewhere along the line, however, this mantra for living faded from modern consciousness. The idea of unplugging every seventh day now feels tragically close to impossible. Who has time to take time off? We need eight days a week to get tasks accomplished, not six.

The Sabbath Manifesto was developed in the same spirit as the Slow Movement, slow food, slow living, by a small group of artists, writers, filmmakers and media professionals who, while not particularly religious, felt a collective need to fight back against our increasingly fast-paced way of living. The idea is to take time off, deadlines and paperwork be damned.”