The Wall Street Journal revealed yesterday that the media giant, NBC, has it’s own personal Starbucks at the Sochi Olympic games. Yes, that’s right – NBC erected a special “Sochi Starbucks” for its reporters and employees.

But – in all honesty – who could blame them?

Without a private Sochi Starbucks, these NBC folks would be forced to travel nearly 350 miles away to the nearest Starbucks “in a little-known city called Rostov-on-Don,” according to the report. The only other coffee option at Sochi is either a McDonald’s cup of joe, vending machine or concession stand offerings. Heaven forbid NBC employees have to drink that.

NBC’s caffeine popup serves Starbucks coffee 24-hours-a-day and includes a “barista battalion larger than the Sochi Olympic teams of some 57 countries,” The Wall Street Journal reports. But they won’t employ just any barista off the street. No, apparently they fly in “a rotating crew of some 15 baristas from Starbucks coffee shops in Russia.”

NBC has “set up it own personal Starbucks at every Olympics since the 2000 Summer Games in Sydney,” but this is “only the second time NBC has brought Starbucks to a city that doesn’t have one,” the article reports.

But since Starbucks isn’t an official Olympic sponsor, it’s technically forbidden to have an official presence at the Sochi Olympics. However, The Wall Street Journal notes that “an IOC representative, says the NBC Starbucks isn’t violating any rules.” The popup is considered a supplementary facility without “any association with the Olympics.”

I guess McCafe and Dunkin’ just didn’t quite make the cut. Read more about the “Sochi Starbucks,” here.