I recently had a conversation with Tom Lancaster, Director of Software Engineering here at InCrowd. I specifically wanted to get his thoughts on Google Glass. We had an interesting discussion on what Glass might someday become and how the ‘always there and ready’ technology could help remove friction, expedite and even improve communication. We touched on a variety of uses across different industries; here’s a couple we explored.

Google Glass in Market Intelligence

InCrowd is a market intelligence firm that provides the life sciences industry with a platform to ask healthcare professionals questions in real time. Currently clients log into their account via their laptop or smart device, type their question(s) and send them to their Crowd. What if we removed that step with an InCrowd Glass app? What if we made the question asking process even faster and easier than it is now?

Google Glass users could access their pre-screened Crowds of health care professionals simply by saying “OK Glass, ask my Crowd a question”. Their market research questions could be fielding almost immediately with the results updating via their Glass in real time.


Would that remove a potential point of friction and make it even more seamless to gather market intelligence? We think it has the potential to put market data into the hands of those that need it – even faster. If Glass grows in the business setting keep your eyes open for an InCrowd Glass app.

Telemedicine and Google Glass

Another interesting idea we discussed, one getting attention from other Glass Explorers as well, is the use of Glass to facilitate telemedicine. The personal point-of-view (POV) camera coupled with the hands free use of Glass makes it ideal for communicating critical information during a medical emergency or procedure; perhaps even improving that communication.


The recent article “Ok Glass, I Need A Surgeon… Now!” A Telemedicine Revolution or Evolution! featuring Dr. Rafael Grossman, highlights the value of the POV perspective along with the live streaming of audio. Yes HIPAA issues will need to be addressed but progress is rapidly being made in this area and once solved Glass has the potential to revolutionize telemedicine.

What are your ideas for using Google Glass? In business, medicine, animal rescue or any other space you think it could add value? Feel free to share your ideas in the comment section.