When you’re done your late-afternoon FREE Boston Duck Tour, make sure the rest of your night involves a place with a view.

There will be a penumbral lunar eclipse tonight, lasting nearly four hours. Bostonians – along with much of the Northeast – will be able to see the eclipse starting around 7:50 p.m. EST.

Not to put a damper on the event, but Friday’s partial eclipse will be harder to notice than usual. Boston should have “good” viewing conditions, however.

Lunar elipses occur when the moon travels into the Earth’s shadow while the planet, sun and moon are aligned. Since only the outer edge of the Earth’s shadow will create tonight’s partial eclipse, temper any giddy expectations.

While generally between two and four lunar eclipses occur each year, tonight’s will be the last of 2013. Don’t miss out.

Image of Lunar Eclipse Cycle


Expect something along the top row tonight.