You know what? I’m so fed up with this “deflategate” crap and peoples’ attempts to disqualify the New England Patriots from Super Bowl XLIX. I want to see people start playing up their support for our beloved Pats. I want to see more of this type of fandom:

And this:

And this:

And this:

And this:

Granted, in these particular scenarios New England was able to capitalize on the costly blizzard that dumped more than 2 feet of snow on Boston and 36 inches elsewhere in the Commonwealth.

But it’s dedication like this that sets the Patriots faithful apart in terms of hometown team loyalty. Not to mention, these were probably joint efforts. Blizzards actually bring people together, believe it or not.

The weekend is nearly upon us, friends, so do your part and play in the snow. Build a commemoration for Belichick, Brady and the boys and when you do, be sure to take a photo and send it our way.

Kick off for the Super Bowl is slated for Sunday, Feb.1, at 6:30 p.m. Be sure to leave your predictions in the comments section below.