This edition highlights examples of drug companies doing good, insight into physician’s use of social media, predictions on pharma’s use of media channels for 2013, building trust in the big data era, and the benefits to pharma companies using social media:

– To counterbalance the constant “big pharma is bad” meme, Medical Billing & Coding put together The Bright Side of Big Pharma: 8 Examples of Drug Companies Doing Good offering eight instances of drug companies making good

One in Four Physicians Use Social Media Daily for Sharing and Research from EHR Intelligence reveals findings from a recent Journal of Medical Internet Research survey designed to test attitudes towards social technology in the healthcare industry

– What changes will we see in pharma use of media channels (mobile, social, digital, print, broadcast)? Medical Marketing & Media asked media planning experts and their responses are shared in Growth in Devices, Online Video to Drive Media This Year, Buyers Say

– To build trust in the realm of big data, it’s critical to start before something goes wrong. Designing for the Hidden Dangers in Big Data from Mashable includes three things management should be considering regarding privacy and security

– One industry that benefits greatly from social media knowledge transfer is healthcare. How Pharma Companies Use Social Media from Business 2 Community highlights the potential for pharmaceutical companies to improve business efficiency while still keeping the consumer in mind

That wraps this week’s review of news from and for the pharma market research community. I’ll leave you with an invitation to learn more about the benefits of real time data and offer you a personal demo of InCrowd’s on-demand platform providing you direct and immediate access to Crowds of screened and targeted healthcare professionals.

If you have tips, suggestions, or resources you’d like to share leave us a comment below and please feel free to suggest topics that you would like to see covered in future posts.