Today is Pi Day, a day celebrating the number that represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. You mean you didn’t know that off the top of your head? Whether or not you’re a nerd for pi, or math for that matter, a few Boston businesses are offering some specials to pay tribute to the mathematical constant. What’s the probability that you will profit from them?


Between 2 pm and 6pm today, you can stop by any of Salvatore’s five locations in and around Boston for a Signature Flatbread Pizza for just $3.14. Then you can solve for your pizza pie’s circumference. Or you could just eat.

Charles Hotel

Located right near Harvard, the Charles Hotel is offering 31.4% off to those who book a room today. The discount applies to the best available rate and only includes visits taking place between March 19 and April 3.

Zoo New England

Zoo New England is offering a 31.4% discount on the first 314 ticket orders placed online today. The offer is valid for visits until March 16, and you can use the code “PiDayFPZ” at the checkout.

Happy Pi Day!

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