Three years after PoweringUp had started to consider the role of digital innovation in Boston, another conference took place over 2 days in the Waterfront District.

Powered Up 2010 was an opportunity for developers, VC’s, students and local government to get together over coffee and lobster rolls to discuss the future of the gaming industry in Boston. 200 attendees were present at the Renaissance Hotel on October 14th to hear a succession of panels featuring the movers and shakers in the industry (and some of the legends whose place in Boston Gaming is already guaranteed). Whilst some of the panels seemed to focus on the problems in bootstrapping your gaming startup and “getting the word out”, there was sensible – if slightly cautious – financial advice from those who make it possible to release product.

Networking opportunities were eagerly grasped and after the serious business of the day was finished, thirsty attendees were able to continue discussions over a drink or 2 at Whiskey Priest.

The following day saw the roadshow move to the Boston Marine Industrial Park where a small group of developers were able to actually present their games in a spacious (if slightly surreal) setting. Highlight of the day was the chance to feather the throttle around the Indy 500 track on a racing simulation that is accurate to within 2mm of real life and (a part of the John Henry sporting Empire) is a fine example of the depth of talent that exists in the area.

Events like this cement the reputation of the Boston gaming industry, the hope is that it won’t take another 3 years to get everyone trying to sing from the same hymnbook.

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