Microsoft disciples can breathe sigh of relief. According to Chinese tech blog iFanr, which attended an Internet Explorer press event in Beijing today, IE 10 will be released in preview form for Windows 7 tomorrow. Microsoft has kept its word as the tech giant promised last month an updated preview of its flagship internet browser for mid-November.

The announcement was made by Director of Product Marketing for Internet Explorer Roger Capriotti, though there was no mention of a full release of the final version of IE 10 for Windows 7. Windows Live fansite LiveSlide noted that “According to Microsoft, Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7 will bring ‘improved real-world site performance and additional standards support that Web developers have been asking for.’”

Some sources feel that Internet Explorer comes in third behind two superior web browsers: Google Chrome and Firefox, with Apple’s web browser Safari pulling up the rear. The preview of IE 10 needs to be a smash hit in order to overtake its rivals. The biggest criticism for Internet Explorer is that despite being “updated” every-so-often, the changes aren’t ground-breaking and the browser has been relatively stagnant when held next to the likes of Chrome and Firefox. The biggest drawbacks for IE are in security features, lack of Add-Ons, and that it isn’t as user-friendly as Chrome.

It’ll be interesting to see if Internet Explorer 10 can revolutionize web browsers much the way its competitors have. We’ll be keeping a close eye on IE 10 and its preview tomorrow so stay tuned to BostInno for the latest information.

Everybody has a web browser preference so we’d like to hear from you all. I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t used Internet Explorer since my family-shared desktop ran on Windows 98. Does anyone use Internet Explorer over Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari? Would you be willing to give IE 10 a chance?