Those tuning into our Comic Con lives stream were rewarded this afternoon with the PS4 hands-on debut of one of its games, Octodad: Dadliest Catch. While maybe not the most action-packed game expected to grace the popular multi-genre convention, Dadliest Catch was able to showcase the impressive graphics and mechanics of Sony’s PlayStation 4.

The premise of the game is cheesy yet charming; An octopus falls in love with a human woman and together they get married and have a family while Octodad makes valid attempts at a normal, everyday life. Life isn’t so simple, though, for a creature with no bones living with the constant fear of being turned into sushi– no one has discovered he’s an octopus…. Don’t ask me how.

The game handling is interesting as navigating the map creates the added challenge of constantly trying to move against gravity, a difficult feat as the character is without a skeletal structure. For this reason, the gameplay is whittled down to performing basic everyday tasks, though it’s not too basic for the PS4’s Dual Shock 4 controller. The game opens on the protagonists wedding day while user tries to spiff up the soon-to-be Octodad and similar subsequent challenges take place.

As noted per Comic-Con, Octodad: Dadliest Catch will be available on the PS4 in January after it first becomes made available for PC, Mac, and Linux. No word on price yet, but stay tuned to our Comic-Con coverage for more hands-on details.

Game makers conceived while studying at DePaul University after entering an annual developers challenge. From there, one idea led to another and eventually the main character became an octopus wearing a shirt. The team successfully entered a student showcase, started their own company, and now they’re working on a sequel.

Check out the trailer for Octodad: Dadliest Catch right here: