As I was getting set to join the community of Glass Explorers I found myself wondering how I’d put Glass to work in my everyday life. Would I wear it all the time, were there apps available, how were other people using Glass? Working in healthcare and being the co-founder of a company focused on incorporating real time data into daily business decisions I was more than ready to begin exploring the possibilities – in and out of healthcare.

In the days leading up to my rendezvous with Google Glass I started searching the Glass communities to see what others had to say. I wasn’t surprised to find an extremely active, helpful and enthusiastic group of Explorers ready to share their knowledge and ideas. I’ve started keeping a list of ‘use ideas’ for Glass and thought as a starting point on my journey I’d share a few of the more intriguing ideas.

Use ideas for Google Glass and some other cool stuff

1.  Melissa McCormick from Software Advice immediately caught my attention with here thoughts on Will Google Glass Change the Face of Medicine?. I can see real application for everything she suggests.

2.  Glass is definitely about the user experience, What Leap Motion and Google Glass Mean For Future User Experience by Tommy Walker paints a realistic picture of the impact Glass could have on our daily lives.

3.  Again thinking healthcare, CPRGlass, The augmented reality APP that can help you save a LIFE, looks at Glass in medicine. This is simple, clever and will be lifesaving.

4.  Keeping with the healthcare theme (what can I say I’m a nurse), OK Glass: Let’s Save a Life, links the CPR app with defibrillator information. Very smart!

5.  To see actual simulations of Glass used in the healthcare setting look no further than the Center for Total Health July Technology Focus: Google Glass and Future Health LIVE. The Kaiser Permanente Center for Total Health has run two great tech sessions focused on Glass in healthcare, both are archived on YouTube.

6.  Being an animal lover I found Google Glass technology has gone to the dogs… literally and figuratively   really interesting.

7.  For a different perspective, Google Glass Helping the Handicapped by Brian Gunderson highlights the everyday aspect of using Glass and the connectivity it can foster with other people.

8.  I’m ready to start using Glass Genie today! This all-in-one app puts several everyday activities at your fingertips via Glass. Google Glass Genie is the Swiss Army Knife of Glassware gives you the details.

The thing that struck me is the real time component found across all of these different uses for Glass. The value is in the real time information Glass provides and the ability to access and use that information at the needed moment. The right information, at the right time, accessible anywhere. Real time information can be a powerful tool, that’s apparent from the impressive list of uses evolving from a small prism of glass sitting just above my right eye.

I invite you to join me on my journey as a Glass Explorer. Let me know how you’d use Glass in your daily life. Where and how would real time information be helpful to you?

Let the journey begin…