Well this sure makes the HubSpot rumor of raising a big round of money a little more palpable. Out West companies like Google and Facebook are in a war to retain and hire new talent. So much so that Google gave every employee a 10% raise and a cash bonus just to make sure they are happy. This sort of talent war has yet to occur in Boston – until now.

In a recent post by Dharmesh Shah (HubSpot CTO) on his popular OnStartups blog, he makes known the talent war in Boston has officially begun. “So, nobody really comes right out and says that there’s a battle for tech talent going on in Boston. So, I’m going to go ahead and say it. There’s a battle for brilliant developers going on in Boston!” Shah continues on stating that raising funding for some startups is easier than recruiting great developers. “I personally know a dozen startups in the Boston area that are all looking for great developers (I’m an angel investor in half of them).”

This is an incredible move for the Boston startup scene and raises the competition and stakes to match those of Silicon Valley. In order to retain talent here in Boston and prevent them from moving to New York City or to the Valley, companies need to prove that the talent comes first. This was not the case in Boston, until now. Shah states, “So, instead of startups interviewing developers, in reality, it’s more that developers are interviewing startups. Life is good for you, esteemed awesome developers!”

HubSpot is making a bold move and one that I think will resonate like the shot heard ’round the world here in Boston. Here are HubSpot’s talent claims:

Refer a Developer, Make $10,000

That’s right. If you know a brilliant developer and you refer them to HubSpot, you deserve $10,000.

Many Will Enter, Few Will Emerge – With a Free iPad

Any developer that make the final round of interviews at HubSpot gets a free iPad, whether you get the job or not.

$4,000 Shopping Spree

And if you do get that job, HubSpot will pay for a tech enthusiasts dream shopping spree. Any gadgets/hardware that will make you happier or more productive are included in the spree.

Check out Shah’s original post for a list of reasons you or someone you know should interview (at) HubSpot.

I’ll leave you with another inspiring quote from Shah’s blog. “We’re working on making HubSpot a magnet for technology talent in the Boston area, like Facebook is on the west coast.  We’ve got tough software problems to solve, millions of users, lots of capital, cool office space, and some of the smartest developers around.”