Boston Soldiers

First and foremost, our thoughts, hearts, and prayers are with the victims of the Boston Marathon tragedy.  There are a lot of things more important than what we’re doing, this tops the list, and needs to be addressed.  Here is the short reflection of an out of towner. -The Drizly Team

Moving to Boston from Phoenix as a college student in 2007, Boston was this wildly unfamiliar place populated by people who were seemingly so much different than the people I grew up with.  A little more rough around the edges and a little more fanatical about their sports teams, Bostonians seemed to have an edge about them that was difficult to penetrate.  First encounters weren’t as jovial and welcoming as they were on the west coast.  It took a little longer to get a true Bostonian’s trust and affection.  But if you put in the work to show them that you genuinely wanted their trust, if you put in the time to prove that you deserved it, that bond wasn’t to be broken.

The longer I live here, the more I begin to understand that this seemingly difficult outer shell isn’t necessarily meant to scare people, it’s more of a “don’t mess with our city” sort of mentality.  It’s more like “this is my city, these are my brothers and sisters, who the f*%$ are you.”  It’s not meant to be rude, crude, or mean spirited, Bostonians are just tough people.  Tough people whose roots extend back to fighting for the very land we live on today.  Tough people who endure long winters together.  Tough people who have been through it all, together, as one city, one people, one brotherhood.

Whoever did this doesn’t know who he/she is messing with.  Whoever did this just antagonized the biggest, meanest family you’ll find anywhere.  A family whose brothers and sisters you just harmed.  A family that after many years and much hard work, I can now call my own.

This is my city, these are my brothers and sisters, don’t f*#$ with us, we will prevail.

Walk with us, the BC community, and others as we finish the last 5 miles of the race.  Let’s show the world what this town is all about: Boston Marathon: The Last 5