MBTA officials are considering fare policy changes, one of which would adjust the cost difference between bus and subway rides.

According to a report by the Malden Observer, authority officials – over the next six months – will examine a 5 percent fare increase that could come into effect next July, before looking into broader policies changes, including the aforementioned bus/subway fare adjustment,  limiting cash transactions, and potentially offering fare prices that “correspond to a traveler’s ability to pay.”

The MBTA’s CFO Jonathan Davis told the Malden Observer, that these broader changes won’t be discussed until after the July fare increase.

Currently, bus riders are allowed to upload money onto their Charlie Cards while boarding if they do not have enough money on their card. However, the MBTA is considering limiting the amount of money riders can put on their cards at a bus fare box, Davis said, referencing these transactions ability to slow down the boarding process.

Davis said the transit agency will also consider reducing the amount of cash transactions at MBTA parking lots and look into “setting tiered parking rates,” the Malden Observer reports.

Additionally, starting in January, the MBTA will issue Charlie Cards that “grant free trips to all people who qualify as ‘conditional’ users of The Ride.”

Last week, the Transportation Board voted to reduce fares for that service by $1, from $4 to $3.

Stemming from this reduction in The Ride fares, Davis said “Some modes may have increases in excess of 5 percent” to make-up lost revenue.


Image via mbta.com