Direct from the Pharmacist Crowd: What do you see as the major drawbacks to people receiving flu shots at their local pharmacy?

Last year, about 20% of adults received their flu shots at a retail pharmacy. This number is up from the previous year and expected to grow again this year. With this growth rate in mind, InCrowd asked 150 retail pharmacists a series of questions regarding the 2013-2014 flu season.

Question #1: Why don’t people get flu shots?

Question #2: What do you see as the major benefits to people receiving flu shots at their local pharmacy?

Question #3: What do you see as the major drawback to people receiving flu shots at their local pharmacy?

Click to Enlarge

Other drawbacks identified include:

  • Less privacy, less professional setting 31/150, 20.6%
  • Managing and preventing adverse events 29/150, 19.3%
  • Disruption in continuity of care with PCP 14/150, 9.3%

Next question Direct from the Pharmacist Crowd: What level of severity do you predict for the 2013 – 2014 flu season? 

Interested in conducting market research with pharmacists? Drop us a line, we have Crowds of US and international based pharmacists working in both the retail and hospital setting. These pharmacists are pre-screened and have opted-in to answer questions in real time.