Roche’s Perjeta, GSK, Teva’s Treanda Injection, AstraZeneca, Merck, Sanofi

-The FDA voted 13-0 that the benefits of Perjeta as an initial treatment for breast cancer outweighs its risks, according to Bloomberg. Roche Perjeta Wins Panel Backing for Early Breast Cancer explains how the drug would be used as a step before surgery that may shrink tumors leading to less invasive surgical procedures.

-A breakthrough status for a drug in development has been granted by the FDA. The drug is used to treat adult chronic lymphocytic leukemia. PMLiVE’s Breakthrough Status for GSK/Genmab’s Arzerra, highlights the accelerated development and provides a review of the drug to treat a serious medical condition.

-Teva’s Treanda Injection has been approved by the FDA. FirstWord Pharma’s, US Approves New Injectable Version of Teva’s Treanda states that the FDA cleared a new liquid formulation of this cancer drug.

-AstraZeneca paid $50 million to Merck & Co. for rights to a cancer drug in phase IIa testing. In PharmaTimes Online, AZ Pays $50 Million Upfront for Merck & Co Cancer Drug, discusses the pact between Merck & Co and AstraZeneca for the drug to be used for ovarian cancer patients.

-Sanofi will need to provide more evidence supporting the effectiveness of its oral multiple sclerosis drug, Aubagio, if it wants the treatment to be recommended for use according to a report by PMLiVE. NICE Demands More Data for Sanofi’s Oral MS Drug outlines the clarifications requested by The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).