We get it – cold sales prospecting calls can be a struggle. Reps are calling prospects and companies they’ve had no prior interaction with, and that lack of connection can lead to lots of sales call objections thrown in the faces of your sales reps. With this much rejection, how can you possibly make prospecting calls fun and keep your reps motivated? By turning the process into a fun game!

We present Sales Objection Bingo, the hot new game that is making its way to sales floors across the world. This game will make prospecting calls more enjoyable, while giving sales managers a teaching point to track (and overcome) the most common objections. It’s easy to play too!

1) Download and print the Sales Objection Bingo card below.

2) Cross off each objection as you come across them.

3) The first rep to get five in a row – either across horizontally, vertically or diagonally – wins!

Simple enough right? Now get dialing and find those objections!

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