Side project or is Google getting more heavily into media? Google launched in the UK its own full-length online magazine published quarterly called “Think Quarterly.” Google calls the publication a “book” on its homepage, and a “unique communications tool” – but doesn’t refer to it as a magazine or publication.

This first edition is 68 pages and focuses on data’s impact on business, and moving forward will include thought pieces about major business and tech topics authored by thought leaders. The search giant has said of Think Quarterly:

“But in a world of accelerating change, we all need time to reflect. Think Quarterly is a breathing space in a busy world. It’s a place to take time out and consider what’s happening and why it matters.”

Featured in the first edition are Simon Rogers (editor of The Guardian’s Datablog), Ulrike Reinhard (editor of WE Magazine), Vodafone UK CEO Guy Laurence, and Google executives like Chief Economist Hal Varian and famed psychologist Peter Kruse.

Check out Think Quarterly here and let us know what you think!