California-based social media blog Mashable somewhat arbitrarily picked June 30th to be Social Media Day worldwide, but Bostonians couldn’t help but get involved!

In honor of this impromptu, first-time holiday, cities including Buenos Aires, Tokyo, Barcelona, New York, and many others joined in with events to celebrate. In all, 93 countries held celebratory events.

the #SMdayBos panel
The #SMDayBos Panel

Joselin Mane, also known as @BostonTweetup took charge and decided to organize Boston’s Social Media Day tweetup, which was held at Boston’s Seaport Hotel last night. As a result of Mane’s efforts, Boston’s tweetup ended up being one of the top ten biggest Social Media Day gatherings from among 619 in the world, according to organizers.

To celebrate this momentous first-annual day, which Mashable describes as, “a day to celebrate the revolution of media becoming social,” Mane organized a panel of local social media experts in different fields. These fields included higher ed, music, government, data, traditional media, non-profit, entrepreneurship, and dating.

Besides Mane, other local social media celebrities were spotted in the crowd, including Steve Garfield (who help run the live streaming video of the event, archived here), Rachel Levy, Eric Andersen, Hubspot’s Dan Zarrella (who spoke on the panel), David Gerzof, and Bostinno’s own Kyle Psaty and Ali Powell.

The great people and conversation were highlighted by an amazing venue, the Seaport Hotel, who had their general manger speak about their love for social media and the green movement. On Twitter, conversation centered on the hashtag #SMDayBos.

Many thanks to them, Mane, others who helped organize, and Mashable for creating this great new holiday!