Ahh the life and schedule of an event planner – late nights, early mornings, networking events, coordinating, media relations, event execution, follow up, and

Words to live by!

of course ALL the meetings –  it never ends! When life gets hectic your personal schedule (and health) often takes a back seat to your clients. It’s hard to
remember that when you are drained, sleep deprived, and unbalanced, your work suffers. Here are a few ideas to help you take some time for self and plan a party for one…

1.) Culinary Relaxation: For the past four months your dining ritual has consisted of standing in the kitchen late night, at the end of an event eating leftover, cold appetizers and slices of picked over cake before going home and falling into bed. It’s time to take out your favorite cookbook, find your favorite recipe and prepare a gourmet meal for one. For a quick and easy recipe, check out the Food Network.
Grab a large glass of wine, sit down on the couch and enjoy.

Food (& Wine) Therapy!

2.) Go to a movie: Finally, you can catch one of those Oscar nominated movies everyone is buzzing about! Oh, wait…they aren’t in the theatre anymore? Even better, Netflix it or stop by your local Red Box.
(This tip also goes well with the couch and wine.)

3.) Attend an event: Let loose and have some fun!  Go to a party someone else planned, stress free! Dance, drink, eat and socialize! For a list of the hottest

Eat, drink & be merry!

events around town visit Boston.com or EventBrite.
(Note: try not to critique the whole event and how you would have done it better.)

4.) Spa Day! You have been on your feet for endless hours a night running back and forth making sure every last detail is just perfect! You need a full day of pampering, massage, foot rub, reflexology and throw in a manicure just because!  Find some great deals here! But if you really want to stick to your budget, look up one of your local Massage Therapy Schools and let the students practice on you!

It’s NOT too early!

5.) Friend Therapy. Nothing takes your mind off of work like shopping and brunch with great friends! Head down to Back Bay and shop the day away on Newbury and Boylston Streets, then pop into City Table at The Lenox Hotel for brunch. Sip Bloody Marys, catch up on all the gossip and enjoy some delicious food! 

6.) Sleep…Finally, just sleep! Turn off all electronic devices. Cut yourself off from phone, email, computers, basically anything with a screen. Close all the blinds and get some rest!  Do it now, because before you know it when you open your eyes it will be starting all over again! Read this article that points out how rest can help you be more productive.

Once in a while everyone needs to unwind and recharge their batteries, so don’t forget to set some time aside just for you!